Humanity plus compassion
When it comes to social responsibility and social commitment, even an agency without airs and graces likes to put itself forward. Because it's not enough for us to just do great communication. Because we keep our eye on the essential: the people. It is the people who need our help, because sometimes they lack the most necessary things. That’s when we, who are able to give, are called on.
For this, we are tirelessly sounding the drum. By the way, as a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, we have firmly anchored its ten principles in the areas of human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption into our corporate culture.

In 2019, we set ourselves the goal of making our world a little greener with 700 new trees. Through an interactive online Advent calendar, we asked customers and interested parties to answer a question about "trees" every day. For each correct answer, we asked our partner PLANT-MY-TREE to plant a tree in the Palatinate region.
PLANT-MY-TREE carries out reforestation, which includes projects for initial reforestation, forest conversion and forest protection on land in Germany. One tree neutralizes over 1,000 kg of CO2 during its lifetime.
Each newly planted tree is given a serial number and its coordinates are stored in a database. All PLANT-MY-TREE reforestation projects are supervised by the respective forestry offices, which monitor compliance with the forestry law of their federal state. The goal is long-term CO2 compensation and thus sustainable environmental and climate protection. Climate protection is increasingly becoming a "private matter", which means taking responsibility, especially for companies! As a communications agency, we see it as our duty to compensate for our CO2 emissions.
Learn more:
Liebchen+Liebchen plants 700 trees

The 2018 Christmas campaign was all about illustration, animation and storytelling. The somewhat different Christmas story of a small triangle that has to find its way amidst a world full of baubles was told. In each of the four pre-Christmas panels, decorated with word games, letters had to be searched for and combined to form a solution word. For each correct answer, we donated 50 euros to a charitable organization. The response was extremely positive: a total of around 4,000 euros was raised for the organization "Über den Tellerrand e.V.".
"Über den Tellerrand e.V." is a non-profit organization that has been working throughout Germany since 2014 to promote exchange between refugees and those at home. It creates spaces that enable encounters and exchanges at eye level and promote friendships between people with and without refugee experience. During culinary, creative and sporting activities, people from different cultures meet, get to know each other in an unbiased way and break down prejudices. By building a sustainable, worldwide network, an open and tolerant society is promoted.
Learn more:
Eine runde Sache
With our Christmas campaign "Glückskeks statt Weihnachtskeks" (fortune cookie instead of Christmas cookie), we refrained from sending gifts in 2017. Instead, we donated almost 5,000 euros to charitable organizations. Participants became fortune messengers by clicking on digital fortune cookies on a landing page. They then had the opportunity to name their charity of choice to donate to and describe why they thought the particular organization was worth supporting.
Organizations we donated to:
- Nachsorgeklinik Tannheim
- Frankfurter Tafel
- Herzenswünsche
- Herzen für eine neue Welt
- HospizVerein Bergstraße
- Teestube Jona
- Elternverein für leukämie- und krebskranke Kinder, Gießen
- Igelamublanz Memmingen
- jungundjetzt
- Welthungerhilfe Jemen
- Kinderprojekt Arche
- Elterninitiative leukämie- und tumorkranker Kinder Würzburg
- German Doctors
- Wir helfen Kindern
- Kanincheninsel Egelsbach
- Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Bezirksverband Frankfurt
- SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
- Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger
- Johanniter
- Sportgemeinschaft Wiking Offenbach
We have been donating generous amounts to the "German Doctors" for years. The aid committee bears the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues and was recognized for its high-quality reporting by PriceWaterhouseCoopers as part of the 2008 Transparency Award.
The predecessor organization of German Doctors was founded in 1983. Since then, it has organized the commitment of doctors from Germany to emergency areas in the Third World with a minimum of administrative costs. The doctors pay half of the flight costs out of their own pockets and spend their entire annual vacation on the voluntary assignment.

Donation account
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft
Account no: 4888880
Bank code: 52060410
For years, we have voluntarily supported the communications work of the Fulda Mosocho Project, which has been working with great success to overcome female genital mutilation in Kenya since 2002. What makes it unique is its value-centered approach, which does not patronize but aims to bring about a sustainable change in values within the Kenyan population.
The EU-supported project has reduced the rate of girls at risk in the Mosocho region from 98 percent to 30 percent. 15,000 girls have been saved from the fate of circumcision so far. Through educational programs, workshops and an on-site health and communication center, the change in thinking continues. In 2006, the project was nominated for the Sakharov Prize.
Donation account
Sparkasse Fulda
Account no: 43510203
Bank code: 53050180
Keyword: Verstümmelung
Since 2007, we have been supporting the Aidshilfe Frankfurt am Main charity at the annual LAUF FÜR MEHR ZEIT in Frankfurt am Main.
At the LAUF FÜR MEHR ZEIT, presented by the VerkehrsGesellschaft Frankfurt am Main, recreational joggers, top runners and celebrities compete for their personal best time on the 5,000-meter course through downtown Frankfurt.
The net proceeds of the LAUF FÜR MEHR ZEIT directly and immediately support the work of AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V. and its outpatient care service, the Regenbogendienst. In view of insufficient public funding, AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V. is increasingly dependent on private support in order to be able to continue its work to the necessary extent.

Donation account
Förderverein der AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V.
Taunus Sparkasse
Account no: 321133
Bank code: 51250000
Since 2010 we have been actively supporting the Malteser Social Day with design work. On Malteser Social Days, teams of employees from companies donate their labor to a charitable organization for one day. The idea: Commitment and dedication grow through personal participation. The volunteers come into contact with people in need, experience charitable and social institutions up close and feel how good it feels to do good.
In the process, regular Social Days in as many facilities as possible can change the social climate for the better. With 35,000 volunteers and 3,000 full-time employees as well as 850,000 supporters, Malteser Hilfsdienst is one of the largest charitable service providers in Germany. The helpers of the Catholic relief organization are involved in disaster control and medical services as well as in first aid training and voluntary social services.

In hospice work, Malteser accompanies terminally ill people and their relatives. The foreign service supports partners all over the world and sends specialists to crisis areas.

Since 1996 we have been involved as a sponsor in a ChildFund aid project and thus make an active contribution to shaping the future of our sponsored child and his family. The basis for this is the sponsorship contribution, which we regularly donate to the project via ChildFund Germany. The elementary needs of the children for healthy nutrition, medical care, education and clothing are thus covered.
The infrastructure of the projects is improved or in many cases created in the first place. The adults, too, are usually able to participate in measures that provide them with knowledge and a regular income.
Through letters, pictures and reports we get to know at regular intervals how our protégés are doing and whether the help we provide is reaching where it is needed.
ChildFund Germany Donation account Spendenkonto
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG, Stuttgart
Account no: 7780000
Bank code: 60120500

As nature lovers, we believe it is extremely important to preserve special (living) spaces. Already in our mailing »Lieblingsorte« we were allowed to protect parts of them together with you.
Rettet den Regenwald e.V. supports projects of local organizations. With financial means and protest actions the rainforest and the native population can be sustainably protected. The projects protect indigenous peoples, their rights and habitats as well as the preservation of the natural tropical rainforests. The work includes researching and planning projects so that local organizations can manage the projects themselves.

Since 1971, Greenpeace has been committed to protecting the foundations of life. Non-violence is the overriding principle. The organization is independent of governments, political parties and economic interest groups. Greenpeace works internationally.
Liebchen+Liebchen has been supporting these campaigns with donations since 1996.

The Kinderhilfestiftung is an initiative of committed citizens and companies in the Rhine-Main area. Its goal is to help chronically ill, physically and mentally handicapped children as well as abused children. Since its establishment in 1982, the Children's Aid Foundation has sponsored or initiated more than 300 projects. A particular concern is the integration of disabled and non-disabled children.
Liebchen+Liebchen supported the Children's Aid Foundation by designing a book free of charge.
Donation account
Frankfurter Sparkasse
Account no: 255700
Bank code: 50050201
L+L supports the communication work as well as the graphic realization of the documentation of the Medical Center in Munkács/Ukraine.
On the initiative of the Hanau doctors Dr. Martina Scheufler and Dr. Stefanie Keiling and the Diaspora Foundation of the Gustav-Adolfs-Werk, it was possible in 1998 to start a medical aid project in Munkacs, Urkain, under the leadership of Bishop Culacsy and the Association of Christian Ukrainian Doctors. Munkacs is a town with 77,000 inhabitants, located in Carpatho-Ukraine (Transcarpathia). There are 1.3 million people living in the region. Unemployment is currently still 50%, and functioning social systems are largely absent.
The Medical Center, which began its work in 2000, is still the only facility in Munkacs and the surrounding area that ensures high-quality outpatient care for the population. The following specialties are covered: General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Ultrasound Diagnostics, Cardiology, Gastoenterology, Oncology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Radiology, Laboratory Medicine, Neurology, Endocrinology and Urology. The donations are used to finance various activities, such as CT scans, transport of relief supplies, furniture transport and workshops for doctors and clinic staff.
Donation account
Diaspora-Stiftung Medizinhilfe
Evangelische Kreditgenossenschaft eG
Account no: 304001729
Bank code: 50060500
Since the beginning of 2011, the Hanauer Geschichtsverein von 1844, one of the oldest and largest in Germany, has been represented on the web with a new and contemporary online presence. Liebchen+Liebchen initiated the pro bono project and, among other things, developed the systematics, conducted research, created the photography, and laid out and programmed the website.

Learn more about the association and its extensive collections at

The film festival Nippon Connection in Frankfurt am Main shows the whole spectrum of current Japanese film.
Whether blockbuster or independent film, animation or documentary: numerous works are presented as premieres by the filmmakers themselves.
The world's largest festival for Japanese cinema expects an audience of around 16,000. In addition to the unique film program, workshops, lectures and discussions invite the audience to actively engage with Japan's culture.
Liebchen+Liebchen developed the new website of the non-profit association in 2012 in close cooperation with "Designbüro Frankfurt". The website received a new look in 2013 and was implemented for the first time as a responsive design for use on smartphones.